三澤遙 策展人/設計師 Haruka Misawa, Curator/ Designer
Identity)與指標設計;竹尾TAKEO PAPER SHOW 2014「SUBTLE」展出兩件作品:〔紙之花〕與〔紙的飛行體〕;以及上野動物園的年度視覺識別「UENO PLANET」等等。
Haruka Misawa graduated from Musashino Art University’s Department of Industrial, Interior and Craft Design in 2005. She worked for the design office nendo, and then joined the Hara Design
Institute, Nippon Design Center in 2009. She founded the Misawa Design Institute in July of 2014, and has since been devoted in doing independent design work, including endeavors in various
disciplines such as graphic design, product design, and space planning. Some of the projects she has been involved in include: visual identity and entrance sign design for KITTE, which is Japan
Post Co., Ltd.’s first commercial facility (2013); she also presented two of her works, Paper Flower and Paper Vehicles of Flight, at the Takeo Paper Show, Subtle, in 2014. Misawa is also the
designer of Ueno Zoo’s annual visual identity, UENO PLANET.
美國加州大學University of California, Irvine美術系畢業,台灣大學Global MBA碩士。曾於表演藝術推廣與視覺展覽領域工作九年,目前為自由譯者,從事藝術類中英文筆譯工作。Email:
[email protected]