Part 1 人際關係篇—重視與客戶的溝通與互動
01 恭賀職務陞遷
■重點3句話,電話就會講、E-mail 也能寫。:
重點 01 表示恭賀 MP3 1-01
口語表達:1. 我聽說你升職了。恭喜啊! I heard you got a raise. Congratulations!
2. 恭喜你升職了! I must congratulate you on your promotion.
書信往返:1. 恭喜您成為JCC公司的執行長。 Congratulations on your recent appointment to Chief Executive Officer of JCC Company.
2. 請接受我對您榮升財務部主任一職的祝賀。 Please accept my congratulations on your promotion to the Director of the Finance Department.
重點 02 讚揚對方工作表現
口語表達:1. 我一直都很欣賞你解決問題的能力。 I've always been impressed with your problem solving skills.
2. 你辛苦的努力工作總算有回報啦! Your hard work and dedication finally paid off.
書信往返:1. 您在工作上的傑出表現,得到肯定並獲此職務,實在當之無愧。 You definitely deserve the recognition and responsibility of the position for your outstanding performance at work.
2. 你工作表現優異,這項對你能力的肯定是你應得的。 You have done an excellent job there. This recognition of your ability is well deserved.
重點 03 表達期許或祝福
口語表達:1. 我真為你開心!做得好! I’m so happy for you. Well done!
2. 既然你已經升職了,我期待能很快聽到你要開派對的消息。 Now that you have been promoted, I look forward to hearing about a party soon
書信往返:1. 祝您繼續在新職位上大展鴻圖。 I wish you continued success in your new position.
2. 我們對貴公司在您的領導下將繼續成長茁壯深表期待。 We look forward to the continuing growth of your company under your leadership.