我讀本書,讀得既慢又久,而且斷斷續續。它有時讓我掩卷長思,有時讓我感動不已(『記憶在很大程度上是由遺忘所構成…形是留下的輪廓,模卻遺失於輪廓之外。終究形的輪廓是模的痕跡,而形的輪廓之外的遺忘形態是模的輪廓。』) 而它更常激發我找紙動筆將書中的字句與線條「形錄」下來。
這本誠實、勇敢又美麗的書養馴了我。-交通大學建築所講座教授兼人文社會學院院長 曾成德
這本書以一個模與形的建構過程,很紮實的展現一套完整的理性與邏輯思路,也為這個普遍性的文明大缺口,作了示範性的局部填補工作。-元智大學藝術與設計系教授 阮慶岳
陸希傑和何炯德在這本書當中,一方面不斷地藉由原型、規範、脈絡的分型依據,來逼近其內在「形。態」的事實原初和性質樣貌;另一方面,則又藉以時間和網絡之間的分歧和流動軌跡之開放與收斂,來一一記載著他們在面對「形式」於其變遷過程裡,每個暫時停留的可能樣貌。-國立交通大學建築研究所所長 龔書章
「模型」,是你能不能性感地原創一件作品的「致命證據」,它不僅是案發現場,也記錄懺情過程,是知性險勝各種衝動的結果——這道理不僅適用于建築,也受用于所有創造過程。兩位作者寫了一本不容易的書,幫助所有賦形藝術家認清此一性命攸關的任務。-「文化評論人」,無業家管 詹偉雄
創新研發與經營模式是企業維繫競爭力的不二法門,引領企業邁向藍海新地,因應流動經濟之衝擊,調節脈動以創造契機。此書借用動態模型的灌注與成形探討流動世界,其中發展「形」趨勢之能力與判斷,殊途同歸地呼應企業面對新時代挑戰,除了專業能力外所必需具備的創意與想像。-瑞軒科技董事長 吳春發
本著作論述奠基於檢視空間變化的方法論,解析組成空間的因子,以精準的詞彙定義來詮釋運用手法的內涵,並經由實際操作來呈現空間衍生的特質,演繹過程清晰、思路完整,不論對建築系的學生或是資深建築師,都是一種極具價值的空間創作啟發。-劉培森建築師事務所主持建築師 劉培森
英國詩人William Blake(1757~1827)說:「一粒沙中見世界,....。」,本書看似由小處著眼,卻引向建築本質的無限探索,這絕非一本方法論的書,而是指向事物的「本來面目」,此一理解,就是對建築創造的理解。-竹間聯合建築師事務所設計總監 簡學義
玩form,不是玩假的!這是一本有關物質形態生成的密笈,出自作者20多年來的研究心得;他們企圖超越形式,擺脫文化政治的干擾,正在豎起微觀建築學的一個標竿。-季氏工場主持人,都市閃光與人文環境營造協會創辦人 季鐵男
《形錄》也是一本關於「何謂form?」的懺情錄。如果沒有對於「形」的一往情深,沒有對「形」的長達三十年念茲在茲,是不可能對此單一命題寫作出如此厚實的語言和操作。-實踐大學建築設計學系副教授 王俊雄
CJ STUDIO主持人。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,從事建築及室內設計、家具設計、產品設計等相關研究開發。曾任教於交大建研所,東海、實踐、銘傳等大學建築系。著有《鍛造視差》2003、《空間設計─要思考的是:》2015。其作品包括:竇騰璜及張李玉菁台中Tiger City概念店(2005日本JCD設計大賞)、Aesop微風店(2006日本JCD設計大賞及國際室內設計聯盟IFI 2007設計金獎)。2008第十一屆威尼斯建築雙年展之台灣館參展及台北當代藝術館第六屆行動藝術節展出黑暗城市+城市之眼展覽。2011獲得TID Award 2007-2010十大室內設計師獎項。2011臺北世界設計大展─台灣當代設計師聯展與國際室內設計展。入選為美國室內設計雜誌INTERIOR DESIGN七十五週年特集五位潛力設計師之一。
Shi-Chieh Lu
The Director of CJ STUDIO. Graduating from Architecture Department of Tung-Hai University and Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the research and development of architectural and interior design, furniture design as well as product design. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tung-Hai, Shih-Chien and Ming-Chuan Universities. Writings including Forging Parallax, 2003, Space Design Thinking, 2015. Projects including concept store of DOUCHANGLEE in Tiger City, Taichung (JCD Design Award 2005), Aesop in Breeze Center (JCD Design Award 2006, IFI 2007 Gold Award). Exhibitions including Taiwan Pavilion in the 11th Venice Biennial, Dark City + Eye of the City in the 6th City on the Move Art Festival. Awarded TID Award 2007-2010 as one of the top 10 interior designer in 2011. Selected as five of talented and reported on “Interior Design” (USA) 75-years special issue, 2011.
建築創作家。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,研究建築設計方法論與從事設計創作,涵括仿生理論、數位技術與建築理論等之跨域整合。曾任教交大建研所、淡江、中原、銘傳等各建築系,現任職陸希傑設計事業,並於東海建築系與元智藝設系教授設計課程。著作包括《仿生微生系》2013、《新仿生建築》2009、《活潑建築》2007以及編譯《後設空間》2004。建築設計獎項包括FEIDAD 2006&2007、Self-Sufficient Housing 2005、e-competition: possible future 2005、921集集地震紀念館2004、New York FHL 2003等,作品收錄於各式專書。
Jeong-Der Ho
Architecture creator. Graduating from department of architecture in Tung-Hai University & Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the study and application of architectural design methodology and specialized in the cross-disciplinary integration including the biomimetic theory, digital technique and architectural theory etc. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tamkang, Chung-Yuan and Ming-Chuan Universities. Now employed in CJ STUDIO as well as teaching in architecture department of Tung-Hai University and Art and Design department of Yuan-Ze University. Writings including Biomimetic Microecosystem 2013, New Biomimetic Architecture 2009, Volatile Architecture 2007 as well as the editing and translating of Metaspaces 2004. Architectural awards including FEIDAD 2006&2007, Self-Sufficient Housing 2005, e-competition: possible future 2005, 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake Memorial 2004, New York FHL 2003 etc. and collected in various books.
CJ STUDIO主持人。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,從事建築及室內設計、家具設計、產品設計等相關研究開發。曾任教於交大建研所,東海、實踐、銘傳等大學建築系。著有《鍛造視差》2003、《空間設計─要思考的是:》2015。其作品包括:竇騰璜及張李玉菁台中Tiger City概念店(2005日本JCD設計大賞)、Aesop微風店(2006日本JCD設計大賞及國際室內設計聯盟IFI 2007設計金獎)。2008第十一屆威尼斯建築雙年展之台灣館參展及台北當代藝術館第六屆行動藝術節展出黑暗城市+城市之眼展覽。2011獲得TID Award 2007-2010十大室內設計師獎項。2011臺北世界設計大展─台灣當代設計師聯展與國際室內設計展。入選為美國室內設計雜誌INTERIOR DESIGN七十五週年特集五位潛力設計師之一。
Shi-Chieh Lu
The Director of CJ STUDIO. Graduating from Architecture Department of Tung-Hai University and Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the research and development of architectural and interior design, furniture design as well as product design. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tung-Hai, Shih-Chien and Ming-Chuan Universities. Writings including Forging Parallax, 2003, Space Design Thinking, 2015. Projects including concept store of DOUCHANGLEE in Tiger City, Taichung (JCD Design Award 2005), Aesop in Breeze Center (JCD Design Award 2006, IFI 2007 Gold Award). Exhibitions including Taiwan Pavilion in the 11th Venice Biennial, Dark City + Eye of the City in the 6th City on the Move Art Festival. Awarded TID Award 2007-2010 as one of the top 10 interior designer in 2011. Selected as five of talented and reported on “Interior Design” (USA) 75-years special issue, 2011.
建築創作家。畢業於東海大學建築系、英國AA建築聯盟,研究建築設計方法論與從事設計創作,涵括仿生理論、數位技術與建築理論等之跨域整合。曾任教交大建研所、淡江、中原、銘傳等各建築系,現任職陸希傑設計事業,並於東海建築系與元智藝設系教授設計課程。著作包括《仿生微生系》2013、《新仿生建築》2009、《活潑建築》2007以及編譯《後設空間》2004。建築設計獎項包括FEIDAD 2006&2007、Self-Sufficient Housing 2005、e-competition: possible future 2005、921集集地震紀念館2004、New York FHL 2003等,作品收錄於各式專書。
Jeong-Der Ho
Architecture creator. Graduating from department of architecture in Tung-Hai University & Architectural Association in London. Engaged in the study and application of architectural design methodology and specialized in the cross-disciplinary integration including the biomimetic theory, digital technique and architectural theory etc. Used to teach in the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, architecture departments of Tamkang, Chung-Yuan and Ming-Chuan Universities. Now employed in CJ STUDIO as well as teaching in architecture department of Tung-Hai University and Art and Design department of Yuan-Ze University. Writings including Biomimetic Microecosystem 2013, New Biomimetic Architecture 2009, Volatile Architecture 2007 as well as the editing and translating of Metaspaces 2004. Architectural awards including FEIDAD 2006&2007, Self-Sufficient Housing 2005, e-competition: possible future 2005, 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake Memorial 2004, New York FHL 2003 etc. and collected in various books.
The Path and Destination of Architecture / Ching-Yueh Roan
The Ultimate Poetry / Shu-Chuang Kung
Self-portrait of Form / Chun-Hsiung Wang
A Solidified Mend with the Intuitive Imagination / Shi-Chieh Lu
The Historical Disjunction under the Technological Revolution / Jeong-Der Ho
1.0 形
1.1 分形Form Taxonomy
1.2 樣貌Appearance
1.2.1 幾何Geometry
1.2.2 拓樸Topology
1.3 感官Sensation
1.4 時間開展Time Unfolding
1.4.1 形變Morphology
1.4.2 輪廓Contour
1.4.3 基因Genes
1.4.4 觀變eye
2.0 模型
2.1 理型Form
2.2 主題Subject
2.3 後設模型Metamodel
2.3.1 動態模型Dynamic Model
2.3.2 文脈Context
2.3.3 轉化Transformation
2.3.4 尺度Scale
2.3.5 局部Parts
2.3.6 界面Interface
2.4 模型開展Model Unfolding
2.4.1 擷取Capturing
2.4.2 微世界Micro-world
2.4.3 指涉reference
2.4.4 想像Imagination
3.0 灌注
3.1 模與形 Mould and Form
3.1.1 以模塑形Casting Form with Mould
3.1.2 日常生活物件Everyday Objects
3.1.3 介入Interfering
3.1.4 雕刻刀An Engraving Knife
3.1.5 不可預測The Unpredictable
3.2 思考模型The Thinking Model
3.2.1 載具A Carrier
3.2.2 語法The Syntax
3.2.3 假設The Hypothesis
3.3 時間Time
3.3.1 等待Waiting
3.3.2 延遲To Defer
3.4 成形Formation
3.4.1 成形機制Formation Mechanism
3.4.2 指認Indentifying
3.5 變因Variable
3.5.1 校準Calibrating
3.5.2 分叉Bifurcating
3.5.3 推測Speculating
4.0 成形
4.1 空Void
4.1.1 流動 Flowing
4.1.2 交纏Entangled
4.1.3 遭遇Encountering
4.1.4 塌縮Collapsing
4.2 放大 / 縮小Scale
4.2.1 觀念Notion
4.2.2 操作Operation
4.3 模仿Imitation
4.3.1 像Similarity
4.3.3 誤差Inaccurate Error
4.4 切Cutting
4.4.1 同胚Homeomorphism
4.4.2 傷口A Wound
4.4.3 實體連結An Entitative Connection
4.4.4 依靠Leaning Against Each Other
4.5 歷史結構Historical Structure
4.5.1 速差Speed Difference
4.5.2 疊合Layering
5.0 形錄
Registration Form
5.1 模體系The System of Models
5.1.1 模意旨The Signified of Model
5.1.2 模自身Model-in-itself
5.1.3 模目錄The directory of Model
5.2 型修補Bricolage of Category
5.2.1 註型Category Annotation
5.2.2 造型Category Fabrication
5.2.3 遞型地景Landscape of Transmitted Category
5.3 形登錄Form Registration
5.3.1 怪獸Monster
5.3.2 登陸Landing
5.3.3 形路Form's Paths
The Casting Model as an Anchor Point / Shi-Chieh Lu
The Path and Destination of Architecture / Ching-Yueh Roan
The Ultimate Poetry / Shu-Chuang Kung
Self-portrait of Form / Chun-Hsiung Wang
A Solidified Mend with the Intuitive Imagination / Shi-Chieh Lu
The Historical Disjunction under the Technological Revolution / Jeong-Der Ho
1.0 形
1.1 分形Form Taxonomy
1.2 樣貌Appearance
1.2.1 幾何Geometry
1.2.2 拓樸Topology
1.3 感官Sensation
1.4 時間開展Time Unfolding
1.4.1 形變Morphology
1.4.2 輪廓Contour
1.4.3 基因Genes
1.4.4 觀變eye
2.0 模型
2.1 理型Form
2.2 主題Subject
2.3 後設模型Metamodel
2.3.1 動態模型Dynamic Model
2.3.2 文脈Context
2.3.3 轉化Transformation
2.3.4 尺度Scale
2.3.5 局部Parts
2.3.6 界面Interface
2.4 模型開展Model Unfolding
2.4.1 擷取Capturing
2.4.2 微世界Micro-world
2.4.3 指涉reference
2.4.4 想像Imagination
3.0 灌注
3.1 模與形 Mould and Form
3.1.1 以模塑形Casting Form with Mould
3.1.2 日常生活物件Everyday Objects
3.1.3 介入Interfering
3.1.4 雕刻刀An Engraving Knife
3.1.5 不可預測The Unpredictable
3.2 思考模型The Thinking Model
3.2.1 載具A Carrier
3.2.2 語法The Syntax
3.2.3 假設The Hypothesis
3.3 時間Time
3.3.1 等待Waiting
3.3.2 延遲To Defer
3.4 成形Formation
3.4.1 成形機制Formation Mechanism
3.4.2 指認Indentifying
3.5 變因Variable
3.5.1 校準Calibrating
3.5.2 分叉Bifurcating
3.5.3 推測Speculating
4.0 成形
4.1 空Void
4.1.1 流動 Flowing
4.1.2 交纏Entangled
4.1.3 遭遇Encountering
4.1.4 塌縮Collapsing
4.2 放大 / 縮小Scale
4.2.1 觀念Notion
4.2.2 操作Operation
4.3 模仿Imitation
4.3.1 像Similarity
4.3.3 誤差Inaccurate Error
4.4 切Cutting
4.4.1 同胚Homeomorphism
4.4.2 傷口A Wound
4.4.3 實體連結An Entitative Connection
4.4.4 依靠Leaning Against Each Other
4.5 歷史結構Historical Structure
4.5.1 速差Speed Difference
4.5.2 疊合Layering
5.0 形錄
Registration Form
5.1 模體系The System of Models
5.1.1 模意旨The Signified of Model
5.1.2 模自身Model-in-itself
5.1.3 模目錄The directory of Model
5.2 型修補Bricolage of Category
5.2.1 註型Category Annotation
5.2.2 造型Category Fabrication
5.2.3 遞型地景Landscape of Transmitted Category
5.3 形登錄Form Registration
5.3.1 怪獸Monster
5.3.2 登陸Landing
5.3.3 形路Form's Paths
The Casting Model as an Anchor Point / Shi-Chieh Lu