從2002 年到2014 年,經歷了七屆的高雄國際鋼雕藝術節,回顧過往也可以窺見出高雄城市的變化,其中尤其以各種型態的文化活動與設計建築活絡了高雄港區,此次鋼雕創作營特地選於駁二藝術特區淺三碼頭舉辦,船舶港口成為最美的背景,更加深了場域所賦予的意涵。而在面臨城市新舊產業的時代轉換過程中,鋼鐵雕塑的現地創作也成為一種以藝術詮釋與保留文化特色的無限可能與必要途徑。
The Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival: The Art Mission of the City of Steel and Iron
Kaohsiung does not produce iron ore, but is known as a city of steel and iron in Taiwan. The first ironworks opened in the Yencheng area of Takao during the Japanese Occupation. It became a
main manufacturer of sugar and railroad transportation equipment, and further the driving force behind heavy industry in Taiwan. Steel and iron industry on which Kaohsiung's economy is founded
has been a symbol of the city.
This gave us the initiative to organize the Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival (KISISF) in 2002. Our goal has been to artistically reinterpret steel and iron, while
highlighting the diligence and perseverance of industrial laborers. In this international activity, artists from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds strive to adapt themselves to the
local environment and history by turning steel scraps into sculptures closely related to Kaohsiung. It is particularly awesome and moving, since large-scale steel works demand collective
effort. It also illustrates how compelling the union of labor, techniques and art can be.
A review of the 7 KISISFs from 2002 to 2014 also gives us a glimpse of the evolution of Kaohsiung. Above all, the port has been invigorated by a variety of cultural activities and
architectural projects. The 2014 KISISF had chosen to take place in Quay 3, the Piet-2 Art Center, to deepen the sense of location with the beauty of the port. In the city's shift from the old
to the new, the on-site steel and iron sculptures have embodied the limitless possibilities to artistically reinterpret and preserve the culture of Kaohsiung.
Chen Chu
Mayor of Kaohsiung
Steel Super, a Boundless Urban Landscape
Steel sculpture is a biennially expected topic in Kaohsiung.
The creation of steel sculptures is always masculine, powerful, and immediately addictive. A closer inspection of the irregular cuts, the pressed and twisted surfaces, and the rusts caused by
moisture of the scattering steel scraps further reveals their vigorous beauty. The raising and lowering of cranes, the clang of steel, and the sparkles of cutting and burnishing metal that
define the process of creation, are also impressive in themselves. It is this appeal comparable to that of the sculptures that characterizes
the Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival (KISISF), a highly anticipated event of
visual and auditory surprises.
The 7 editions of KISISFs initiated in 2002 have different missions in different times. The 2014 "Steel Super" was a call for breakthrough in size, weight, national boundary, and technical
support. 6 European and Asian heavyweight artists opened a dialogue between art, steel and iron, and the harbor, by making sculptures higher than 5 meters from 20 tons of steel on-site in the
spacious harbor in a limited time. Without the strong support of the technical team, its flexibility in tackling problems, the
sculptures may fail to compose an admirable landscape.
Notably, the city festival would be lackluster without its industrial aspect. The grandeur of the sculptures, the boundless imagination of Kaohsiung's steel and iron, can be possible only
with the 120 tons sponsored by Tung Ho Steel Foundation, the stainless steel and laser cutting service offered by Heng Chaung Iron Roofing Board Co., Ltd, and the welding technicians with an
expertise as solid as steel.
Shih Che
Bureau of Cultural Affairs,
Kaohsiung City Government