It’s been 30 years since “Pei Mei’s Homestyle Cooking” was first published in 1984, This cookbook has sold more than six hundred thousand copies and has become one of the most popular
“must-have’s ” for every kitchen. Just as my mom said, “homestyle cooking is meant for everday family meals. The methods should be simplistic, made with common economical ingredients. In fact,
since the meals are to be enjoyed by the family omamentation can be omitted. However, the tastes, nutrirional values, and other important qualities should not be neglected and are enhanced by
variations in cooking techniqes. “The culinary wisdom contained in this volume has been around for 30 years and should be known to the readers while preparing home cooked meals for the
Just as eating habits have changed with time, the demand for improved quality of cookbooks has increased. To carry on the most popular of my mother’s cookbooks, my sister Angela and I decided
to completely remark “Pei Mei’s Homestyle Cooking” . After testing and revising certain ingredients, my mother and sister carefully selected to recreate recipes to bring out the most delicious
dishes. Through many days of hard work with my sister and mother’s student, Miss Cheng Ying Zhou, we finally finished the photography for “Pei Mei’s Homestyle Cooking” . We also specially
invited Mr. Ling Wei Ying from Culture & Life Publishing Co. to finish the publishing of book. We hope to bring to you one more pleasant surprise.