

  英文內容大要: I personally hope this area becomes a recreational paradise and will offer those who are busy with their jobs an opportunity to reduce the stress of their occupations and will offer to those of the silver haired generation a wonderful opportunity to experience a healthy lifestyle.


08 Natural Beauty of Reflection Lake-Reservoir Countryside Love Story of Wushantou Reservoir / 10 Roaming Around Hutoubi Reservoir, Enjoying its Poetic Beauty / 22 Coming to Jianshanbi Lake to Feel Like You Are in Jiangnan, China / 26 Over Past Half-Century, Zengwun has Been a Majestic and Beautiful Landscape / 30 38 Experience the Cultural Village-Culture Experiment Starting from Siraya Point to a Peaceful Journey in Pingpu / 40 Combine Religious Belief with Architecture and Aesthetics / 44 Roaming in Sinhua Contrasts the Baroque Architecture with the Historic Old Street / 52 Tainan Water Channel Consigned to History, Standing Still on the Mountain / 56 60 Creature Appreciation-Countryside Ecology Miracle of Moon World / 62 Discover the Secrets of the Rock Stratum in Cailiao Fossil Museum / 68 Observe the Carefree Butterflies, Flying Happily in the Hung Ye Park / 70 Unrestrained Fun at the Tsou Ma Lai Farm / 74 76 Happiness & Joy-Countryside Industries Summer Seduction with Tasty Mango / 78 Coffee Trees and Orange Trees, their Reds and Greens Respectively Mingling to Create a Scene of Unrivaled Beauty / 84 Soaking in the Healthy Mud Springs of Guanzihling / 90 Summertime! Cruising in the Lotus Village / 96 Plum Blossom Blooms in the Dead of Winter, Symbols of Beauty and Longevity / 102 Collecting Red Water Chestnuts / 106 Ten Gift Set Features in Siraya / 110 114 Siraya Map-Diverse Holidays in Siraya Guide to Transportation / 116 Siraya National Scenic Area/ 118
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