
NT $ 253 ~ 379
  • 作者:Dhammadinnā
  • 出版社:法鼓
  • 出版日期:2014-12-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:9575986571
  • ISBN13:9789575986575
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 256頁 / 25k正 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  This is the second volume of proceedings of the Āgama seminars convened by the Āgama Research Group at the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (formerly Dharma Drum Buddhist College). On this occasion, the Āgama Research Group met to discuss the early collections of long discourses transmitted by the different Buddhist schools. Thanks to the discovery and ongoing publication of the incomplete Sanskrit Dīrgha-āgama manu¬script from Gilgit, three different versions of the Collec¬tion of Long Discourses are now avail-able for comparative study: the Pali Dīgha-nikāya transmitted within the Theravāda tradition, the just-mentioned Dīrgha-āgama in Sanskrit, identified as Sar¬vās¬ti¬vāda or Mūlasarvāstivāda, and the Chinese translation of an Indic Dīrgha-āgama (長阿含經), generally considered to be affiliated with the Dhar¬ma¬¬guptakas. The six papers collected here focus on research on these various incarnations of the collections of long discourses in comparative perspective.



About the editor
  Sāmaṇerī Dhammadinnā
  Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts

About the contributors

  Bhikkhu Anālayo
  Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg & Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts

  Roderick S. Bucknell
  University of Queensland

Toshiichi Endo (遠藤敏一)

  Centre of Buddhist Studies,
  The University of Hong Kong

Jens-Uwe Hartmann
  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich

Jen-jou Hung (洪振洲)

  Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts

Seishi Karashima (辛嶋靜志)

  The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology
at Soka University



Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA) Series    vii
Bhikṣu Huimin    

Preface    ix
Sāmaṇerī Dhammadinnā    

Three Chinese Dīrgha-āgama Discourses without Paral¬lels    1
Bhikkhu Anālayo    

The Structure of the Sanskrit Dīrgha-āgama from Gilgit
vis-à-vis the Pali Dīgha-nikāya    57
Roderick S. Bucknell    

The Sumaṅgalavilāsinī and the Dīgha-bhāṇakas    103
Toshiichi Endo    

The Dīrgha-āgama of the (Mūla-)Sarvāstivādins:
What Was the Purpose of this Collection?    135
Jens-Uwe Hartmann    

A Textual Analysis of the Last Discourse in the Chinese Dīrgha-āgama Based on a Translatorship Attribution Algo¬rithm    167
Jen-jou Hung    

The Sarvāstivādins’ “encroachment” into the Chinese transla¬tion of the Daśottara-sūtra in the Dīrgha-āgama of the Dharm¬a¬guptakas    197

Seishi Karashima    
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