Piers (Yennie's husband)
Yennie and I always wanted kids, ever since we were young we both just wanted to start a family. I guess that’s why we clicked when we first met. We met when I was working in a Kindergarten
and I had to teach classes on a Sunday. She came to help and I could see her kindness toward the children. We clicked and even then I could see we made a good team, I was more strict, she was
more gentle but more than anything we reacted to compliment each other’s style and demeanor. Where one of us was strict then the other would follow up and talk to the child quietly. That really
is the foundation of how we go about raising our children.
Once we were married we returned to England so I could train to be a teacher and at that time we lived with my Mother and Father. My Mother has been a profound influence on our approach to
raising children. She has dedicated her life to taking care of children of all ages, from running children’s homes to fostering children with learning disabilities and raising five children of
her own along the way. Whilst we lived in England we were able to draw on her limitless experience and without her this book may never have happened.
Many people doubted us, we were told we were too young more than once, but she believed in us. She encouraged, sometimes gently and sometimes with tough love. She was what we needed when we
needed it. I think, looking back now, the most important thing she taught us was to listen, to each other and to our children, and when you read the articles in this book I hope that that is
the overriding message that you get from us. Listen to your children and guide them.
The problem with writing a book like this is that people think that you have all the answers (or that you are saying that you have all the answers), of course we don’t. Sometimes we give
advice but it is always with the caveat that we speak from our personal experience but that yours may be different. I like to call the articles in this book ‘sharing’. I don’t see it as us
giving advice, I see it as us sharing our thoughts and experiences and we hope that you can gain some ideas from the things we share. Everyone has their faults, no-body is perfect and we are
only part of the way through our parenting journey. Our children are still young and we have many exciting adventures to go through in the next few years and possibly decades. I for one can’t
wait because they teach me far more than I teach them and every day I try to embrace the learning opportunities that my children give me.
So this forward has rambled on long enough but I want to leave you with one last thought. Don’t doubt yourself, you are all the parent your children will ever need and you are doing an
amazing job. Read these articles and glean what you can from them and then get out there and talk to other parents, share your experiences too. Always be prepared to learn from others and share
what works for you, there are many people out there who think they know best but ultimately at the end of the day when you close your front door it is just you and your children that matter, no
one else. That should be your motivation, cultivate your relationship with your children and confront problems that you face together.
Yennie Darkins 自序
終於出書了!這本書算是悼念我yahoo blog的遺作 - 把最好的,都留在這書。
「好想出嚟做野,唔想同社會脫節!」這是大部份全職媽媽的心聲。然而,我並非那大部份。我並不相信當全職媽媽會令人跟社會脫節。自當全職媽媽以來,我就不斷裝備自己 - 我學會做蛋糕、面部彩繪及多樣手作,亦不斷找尋兼職,目的就是要為將來再戰職場而鋪路。要找尋找一份工而不影響我平日照顧孩子,寫專欄是我的頭號目標。慶幸我找到了自己理想的工作,既可在家照顧孩子,又覺得自己能有些作為。
最後,要多謝奶奶一路以來的支持。她就如我們的啟蒙老師,我們的育兒方式,都是被一湊六的她深深影響!在我身在異鄉、無家人和朋友在身邊的日子,她是我的最大依靠。不論在教養孩子,還是夫妻相處,她都經常跟我分享道理。她常說:「每天都是上學天。」(Every day is a lesson.)每日跟孩子、丈夫相處,你也會從他們身上學習多一點、認識他們多一點。