蘇聯(Soviet Union)總書記戈巴契夫(Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev)上台後所提出之重建(Perestroika)與開放(Glasnost)計劃,間接促使中東歐國家從1989年以來一連串的劇變,形成所謂的「蘇東波」效應 -
因此,基於兼顧學術與實用價值之需,本書除了探討經濟轉型之激進模式(revolutionary model)外,更將重點置於採行此模式之中東歐國家,深入淺出的瞭解其經濟轉型之歷程,並進一步的加以比較分析,以及探討其未來經濟轉型之發展前景。期盼經由此書的介紹,增進產、官、學界對中東歐國家之認知,以利其在實務上之具體運用,並增進我國在此領域方面之國際學術水準。
本書內容是多年來從事學術研究所獲得之部份研究成果的累積和集結,亦是近幾年來教書的心得結晶,同時也期望它是未來相關研究之濫殤。雖然筆者矢力以赴,對其寄予厚望,惟因個人學殖有限,疏漏之處,懇祈 學者先進不吝賜正,以匡不逮,是所至盼。
Dear Prof. Lily Hung,
Your kind request that I write a few words to the valuable book of yours on the changes in Central and Eastern Europe is a great honor to me.
The great political and economic changes in Central and Eastern Europe which started in the beginning of the eighties, become the most important historical event which has influenced not
only the history of Europe, but also had a counting global impact. In 1980, in Poland for the first time after the Second World War, communist authorities, facing the unprecedented spirit of
mass opposition involving all groups of society, had to open dialog with the dissident forces, and agree to creation of the first in the Eastern Bloc free trade union – “Solidarity”.
This Trade Union, when it came into existence, became one of the strongest political powers inside Poland, gaining popularity, about which the Communist parties in the Central and East
European countries could not even dream by that time. With gradual changes in the global balance of power, after almost ten years as a result of several discussions and compromises, time
become ripe to conduct on the 4 June 1989, the first after WW II, free and democratic elections in the Eastern Bloc. In the popular vote, the former dissidents have won a majority of seats to
the Parliament in Warsaw. This victory became a symbol and a milestone in dismantling the post - war order designed at the Yalta Conference.
Events in Poland have sparked a wave of resistance in other communist ruled countries. They created an inspiration for freedom movements across the Region - the “Velvet Revolution” in
Prague, changes in Hungary and even the social unrest, which brought an end to the existence of the Berlin Wall - the most infamous monument of the Cold War. What is even more important,
although the whole world was watching with great attention and fears the process of democratization in those countries, all the forces involved have shown constraint, will of conducting
dialogue, and wisdom. All this has enabled peaceful process of transformation, and in this part of the World, where during the Cold War forces of NATO and Warsaw Pact were facing each other
directly; new order came to life in a fully peaceful and civilized manner.
With enthusiasm for freedom and independence the new situation has also produced enormous tasks for the new democracies. After years of so-called “socialist planned economy”, the newly
created governments have inherited backward and outdated factories, inefficient agriculture, lack of realistic currency policy, inflation, neglected infrastructure etc. Till now in Central
and Eastern Europe it took 13 years of enormous work, changes, reforms and adjustments to bring the economies to a growth.
Even more important was gaining of political security by the new democracies. This process is still not finished. After the first phase of expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, in which Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary were accepted, the next enlargement is underway that will include even more countries of the Region. Membership in NATO is
crucial not only as a deterrent to the external threats, but must be also seen as an important instrument securing the free and democratic systems in the countries, which enter the Treaty.
Another kind of substantial change for which the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are now struggling is the economic security. This can be achieved with the expansion of European
Union, which hopefully will materialize in the beginning of 2004, and should include 10 new member states - among them Poland. Entering the European Union for these countries of Central and
Eastern Europe will be not only an important event from the point of view of economy of those states. It will also symbolize the full final return of the 10 countries to the European
Civilization, where their statehood has its historical roots.
Bearing all this in mind, especially the peaceful character of changes in the part of Europe where Poland is located, I am fully convinced, that research and study of the changes in Central
and Eastern Europe is a very important task. I find the book by Prof. Hung Mei-lan a very important contribution to this task.
With assurances of my highest consideration
Tomasz Nowacki