隱藏的畫像 Hidden portrait
蓮花池 Lotus pond
落日映湖 Lake (Sundown)
山水古畫1 Landscape from a historical painting (I)
山水古畫 2 Landscape from a historical painting (II)
宇宙 Universe
喜宴 Wedding
循環 Recycling
櫻花 Cherry blossom
春 Spring
夏 Summer
秋 Autumn
冬 Winter
雨天 It was a rainy day
小湖 Small lake
樹海 Trees
印度絲披肩的聯想 Imagine Indian silk
地景 Landscape
蝌蚪游於水 Tadpole
牽牛花 Morning glory
坐困地窖 Sitting in the cave
泰國絲布的想像 Imagine Thai silk
與舊畫筆共舞 1 Dance with old brush (I)
與舊畫筆共舞 2 Dance with old brush (II)
與舊畫筆共舞 3 Dance with old brush (III)
與舊畫筆共舞 4 Dance with old brush (IV)
心靈的平靜(我心平和) Peace in my mind
鄉愁與蘭花 Nostalgia, behind it is orchid
海嘯 Tsunami
田園 Garden
花海 Flower garden
珊瑚 Corals
叢林 Bush garden
當門打開時 When the door opens
蓮花池 Lotus pond
落日映湖 Lake (Sundown)
山水古畫1 Landscape from a historical painting (I)
山水古畫 2 Landscape from a historical painting (II)
宇宙 Universe
喜宴 Wedding
循環 Recycling
櫻花 Cherry blossom
春 Spring
夏 Summer
秋 Autumn
冬 Winter
雨天 It was a rainy day
小湖 Small lake
樹海 Trees
印度絲披肩的聯想 Imagine Indian silk
地景 Landscape
蝌蚪游於水 Tadpole
牽牛花 Morning glory
坐困地窖 Sitting in the cave
泰國絲布的想像 Imagine Thai silk
與舊畫筆共舞 1 Dance with old brush (I)
與舊畫筆共舞 2 Dance with old brush (II)
與舊畫筆共舞 3 Dance with old brush (III)
與舊畫筆共舞 4 Dance with old brush (IV)
心靈的平靜(我心平和) Peace in my mind
鄉愁與蘭花 Nostalgia, behind it is orchid
海嘯 Tsunami
田園 Garden
花海 Flower garden
珊瑚 Corals
叢林 Bush garden
當門打開時 When the door opens