定價:250 元
NT $ 198 ~ 250
- 作者:Robert Louis Stevenson
- 出版社:商務
- 出版日期:2003-06-30
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:9620716566
- ISBN13:9789620716560
- 裝訂:平裝 / 116頁 / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
Through the narratives of Mr. Enfield, Mr. Utterson, Mr. Lanyon and Poole, Jekyll's butler, the mystery of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is revealed: Dr. Jekyll, an eminent scientist, has discovered a drug which changes him into the embodiment of his evil impulses. Which side of Jekyll, the good or the evil, will triumph?
Dr Jekyll和Mr Hyde之間的秘密透過他們的管事人Mr Enfield,Mr. Utterson和Mr. Lanyon被揭開了。Dr Jekyll是一位傑出的科學家,他研製的變身藥水令他可以化身成陰險惡人Mr Hyde,顯示其邪惡的一面。究竟正邪之間,會如何選擇﹖是正義的一面,還是邪惡的一面會最終戰勝呢﹖