
NT $ 180
  • 作者:林永華
  • 出版日期:2001-07-02
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9574780589
  • ISBN13:9789574780587
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 201頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版




 PART1親密行為 Intimate Relationship
This night, Alec and Ann are lying on the bed at a resort hotel in Bali Island. Ann is snuggling in Alec\’s arms. They are looking at the star-studded sky and whispering.

 PART2考慮結婚To conider getting married
 Alec found that he could not leave Ann; therefore, when they are watching the stars on the mountain tonight, Alec decides to propose to Ann.

PART3爭執 Arguer
 Ann and Alec have been together for half year, they have found their way to get alone but still arguments happen sometimes. This time the argument seems cannot be stopped...

 PART4分手 Breaking up
 Ann and Alec did not contac to each other during those two weeks. After Frank got the information, he decided to be a mediator to resolve them misunderstanding.

 PART5合好 Reunite and reconciliation
 All ther past memories flashed back in front of his eyes and suddenly he realized that he miss her so very much which he never knew that he did if he did not see her on the TV.

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