Voices of Photography - 攝影之聲 2017特輯:SHOUT

Voices of Photography - 攝影之聲 2017特輯:SHOUT
NT $ 570
  • 出版社:影言社
  • 出版日期:2017-11-01
  • 語言:繁體中文



SHOUT is a special issue series published by Voices of Photography with no stylistic limitations. This issue contains four image compilations by four young artists from Taiwan —— Ting-Ting Cheng, Li-Chung Lee, Yun-Yi Liu and Sheng-Wen Lo. From the image culture of mass tourist consumerism to the modern variation of traditional Taiwanese temples, to the historical accounts behind the ruins of a marginal island and even the image archives of nuclear detonation sites around the world, we are moving along in this society of the spectacle, exploring, doubting and thinking about the sights and sounds that we experience…

《2017 SHOUT特輯》 | 影言社出版 | 2017年
|內含四份創作輯冊與文字 | 25.7 x 17 cm | 中、英文 | 限量發行中


《Voices of Photography 攝影之聲》是一份攝影藝術獨立刊物,2011年9月在台灣創刊。每期介紹當代攝影作品與攝影藝術家,藉由訪問藝術家、藝廊、策展人、出版人與相關藝術工作者,以及提供攝影專欄、攝影書評與攝影展覽資訊的介紹,探索攝影藝術的創作概念、文化與思潮。並獲文化部2013年第37屆金鼎獎雜誌類最佳主編獎。

Voices of Photography is an independent publication dedicated to contemporary photography. Launched in September 2011 in Taiwan, VOP features contemporary photographers and artists, as well as interviews with artists, gallerists, curators, and publishers and other related professionals worldwide, to share and explore the creativity and philosophy of photography.

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