Tomb Raider
Park Mak-rye:South Korea's One-ofa-kind YouTube Star
南韓奶奶的 YouTube 異想世界
The Rise of Bollywood
Park Mak-rye:South Korea's One-ofa-kind YouTube Star
南韓奶奶的 YouTube 異想世界
The Rise of Bollywood
Spring is in the air here at Enjoy English ! Winter
is almost over, and the days are finally getting longer.
However, if you want to avoid the spring rains, it is still a
good time to stay in and watch some movies. You can
start off with some Indian films and learn about The Rise of
Bollywood . After watching a few of the classics, you might
want to switch genres. In Horror Movies: The Science of
Scared , you'll come to realize that scary movies may have
more benefits than you thought. This month, you'll also get
to learn about one of Hollywood's finest actors in Oscar
Isaac: A Rising Star . Finally, the legendary Lara Croft is
back on the silver screen in Tomb Raider . If you are forced
to go out in the rain this month, don't forget your umbrella
and the latest copy of Enjoy English .
《 生活英語》正洋溢著春天的氣息!冬天就快要過去了,白天的時間
能比你想像中還多。你還會在本月更深入認識好萊塢最棒的演員之一 ——
《 超新星:奧斯卡‧艾薩克》。最後,《古墓奇兵》的傳奇人物蘿拉‧卡芙
is almost over, and the days are finally getting longer.
However, if you want to avoid the spring rains, it is still a
good time to stay in and watch some movies. You can
start off with some Indian films and learn about The Rise of
Bollywood . After watching a few of the classics, you might
want to switch genres. In Horror Movies: The Science of
Scared , you'll come to realize that scary movies may have
more benefits than you thought. This month, you'll also get
to learn about one of Hollywood's finest actors in Oscar
Isaac: A Rising Star . Finally, the legendary Lara Croft is
back on the silver screen in Tomb Raider . If you are forced
to go out in the rain this month, don't forget your umbrella
and the latest copy of Enjoy English .
《 生活英語》正洋溢著春天的氣息!冬天就快要過去了,白天的時間
能比你想像中還多。你還會在本月更深入認識好萊塢最棒的演員之一 ——
《 超新星:奧斯卡‧艾薩克》。最後,《古墓奇兵》的傳奇人物蘿拉‧卡芙
【影視娛樂】Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵
【「鮮」睹為快】The Miracle of Timeless Ice Cream 只融你口,不融你手 ── 不會融化的冰淇淋!
【焦點話題】#MeToo: Raising Awareness of Sexual Harassment Taiwanese Director's Film Makes the Academy Awards 反性騷擾,「我也是」 臺灣紀錄片首次角逐奧斯卡獎
【綠色生活】Earthships: Not Just Science Fiction 你來自哪顆星 ? ── 劃時代酷炫綠建築
【人物傳記】Oscar Isaac: A Rising Star 超新星:奧斯卡‧艾薩克
【追根究底】A New Insight Into the Disappearance of the Dodo 傻傻惹人憐的多多鳥
【圖解世界】Jewelry 珠寶盒裡的派對
【歌曲園地】Too Good At Goodbyes 擅長告別
【克漏字】Horror Movies: The Science of Scared 越恐怖我就越愛
【觀光英語】Self Introducetion 自我介紹
【文化之窗】Park Mak-rye: South Korea's One-of-a-kind YouTube Star 南韓奶奶的 YouTube 異想世界
【生活影音學堂】Looking for Books at the Used Bookstore 二手書店尋寶
【國家地理】My Pacific Quest 太平洋島嶼行
【生活快遞】The Ice Cream Angel 美國水牛城的冰淇淋天使
【專題特寫】The Rise of Bollywood 香料電影不思議:寶萊塢的崛起
【休閒小站】Changing the Tourist Landscape——Game of Thrones Style 誰會接替《權力的遊戲》掀起下一股旅遊熱潮
【生活影音學堂】The Future of Sky Lanterns 天燈的未來
【看圖作文】Nice to Meet You "Ghost" 鬼屋嚇!破!膽!
【美食饗宴】The Impossible Burger 想都沒想過的漢堡包
【職業面面觀】Using Your Drawing Skills to Become a Courtroom Artist 法庭上的藝術家
【溫馨小品】An Honorable Goodbye to Man's Best Friend 永別了~我最值得尊敬的狗狗袍澤
【翻譯】Sentence Translation 翻譯
【遊學英語通】 Getting Invited to a Friend's House 受邀到朋友家
【「鮮」睹為快】The Miracle of Timeless Ice Cream 只融你口,不融你手 ── 不會融化的冰淇淋!
【焦點話題】#MeToo: Raising Awareness of Sexual Harassment Taiwanese Director's Film Makes the Academy Awards 反性騷擾,「我也是」 臺灣紀錄片首次角逐奧斯卡獎
【綠色生活】Earthships: Not Just Science Fiction 你來自哪顆星 ? ── 劃時代酷炫綠建築
【人物傳記】Oscar Isaac: A Rising Star 超新星:奧斯卡‧艾薩克
【追根究底】A New Insight Into the Disappearance of the Dodo 傻傻惹人憐的多多鳥
【圖解世界】Jewelry 珠寶盒裡的派對
【歌曲園地】Too Good At Goodbyes 擅長告別
【克漏字】Horror Movies: The Science of Scared 越恐怖我就越愛
【觀光英語】Self Introducetion 自我介紹
【文化之窗】Park Mak-rye: South Korea's One-of-a-kind YouTube Star 南韓奶奶的 YouTube 異想世界
【生活影音學堂】Looking for Books at the Used Bookstore 二手書店尋寶
【國家地理】My Pacific Quest 太平洋島嶼行
【生活快遞】The Ice Cream Angel 美國水牛城的冰淇淋天使
【專題特寫】The Rise of Bollywood 香料電影不思議:寶萊塢的崛起
【休閒小站】Changing the Tourist Landscape——Game of Thrones Style 誰會接替《權力的遊戲》掀起下一股旅遊熱潮
【生活影音學堂】The Future of Sky Lanterns 天燈的未來
【看圖作文】Nice to Meet You "Ghost" 鬼屋嚇!破!膽!
【美食饗宴】The Impossible Burger 想都沒想過的漢堡包
【職業面面觀】Using Your Drawing Skills to Become a Courtroom Artist 法庭上的藝術家
【溫馨小品】An Honorable Goodbye to Man's Best Friend 永別了~我最值得尊敬的狗狗袍澤
【翻譯】Sentence Translation 翻譯
【遊學英語通】 Getting Invited to a Friend's House 受邀到朋友家