美國騎士(Knight)槍械公司生產的M110 SASS及M110K1 CSASS實銃,是美軍特戰部隊最愛用的精準射手步槍(DMR),香港戰神(Ares)之前曾推出M110 SASS電槍,結果銷售成績非常亮眼,所以Ares決定再接再勵的推出美軍陸戰隊武裝偵搜部隊(MARSOC)配備的M110K1 DMR之電槍版(AEG),特戰槍迷不可錯過…
M110 SASS and M110K1 CSASS are the favorite Designated Marksman Rifle, aka DMR, being used by American SOF. Ares from Hong Kong has manufactured the M110 SASS AEG in the past, and the sales record was awesome. In this case, Ares decided to redouble its efforts to launch the AEG version of M110K1, which is adapted by MARSOC….
M110 SASS and M110K1 CSASS are the favorite Designated Marksman Rifle, aka DMR, being used by American SOF. Ares from Hong Kong has manufactured the M110 SASS AEG in the past, and the sales record was awesome. In this case, Ares decided to redouble its efforts to launch the AEG version of M110K1, which is adapted by MARSOC….
封面故事 Cover Story
騎士精準射手步槍 Ares M110K1 DMR with Kayan
新槍報到 New Gun Impression
歷久彌新戰術手槍 Cybergun/KWC Colt Mk IV Series 70
軍械士MB系列硬式氣動手槍 AW MB Series Hard Air Pistol
靈巧有勁大黑蜂衝鋒槍 APS Black Hornet Plus P SMG
超級火力變形金剛 G&P Transformer EGS & VFBS
特殊槍械 Special Weapon
魯格二型微型卡賓槍 SG/KJ Ruger Mk2 Carbine
老槍抱報 Classical Toy Gun Review
鋼鐵心老兵情 Inokatsu M1911
嚴選裝備 Parts and Accessories
法爾科FCS-148無線電 Falco FCS-148 Radio
玩具兵專欄 Toy Soldier’s Column
美軍綠扁帽最新造型 Latest Styling of US Green Berets
氣槍展覽 Airsoft Exhibition
南加州軟式氣槍盛會 2017 Airsoftcon in Alhambra
軍事展覽 Military Exhibition
菲律賓防衛暨運動槍械展 25th Defense & Sporting Arms Show
特別報導 Special Report
中國百年陸軍軍服軍官篇 100 Years of Chinese Army Uniforms for Officers
射擊運動 Shooting Sports
2017台灣國際實用射擊三級公開賽 2017 TPSA Level III Action Air Competition
巴拿馬正義之師行動 Operation Just Cause Reenactment
騎士精準射手步槍 Ares M110K1 DMR with Kayan
新槍報到 New Gun Impression
歷久彌新戰術手槍 Cybergun/KWC Colt Mk IV Series 70
軍械士MB系列硬式氣動手槍 AW MB Series Hard Air Pistol
靈巧有勁大黑蜂衝鋒槍 APS Black Hornet Plus P SMG
超級火力變形金剛 G&P Transformer EGS & VFBS
特殊槍械 Special Weapon
魯格二型微型卡賓槍 SG/KJ Ruger Mk2 Carbine
老槍抱報 Classical Toy Gun Review
鋼鐵心老兵情 Inokatsu M1911
嚴選裝備 Parts and Accessories
法爾科FCS-148無線電 Falco FCS-148 Radio
玩具兵專欄 Toy Soldier’s Column
美軍綠扁帽最新造型 Latest Styling of US Green Berets
氣槍展覽 Airsoft Exhibition
南加州軟式氣槍盛會 2017 Airsoftcon in Alhambra
軍事展覽 Military Exhibition
菲律賓防衛暨運動槍械展 25th Defense & Sporting Arms Show
特別報導 Special Report
中國百年陸軍軍服軍官篇 100 Years of Chinese Army Uniforms for Officers
射擊運動 Shooting Sports
2017台灣國際實用射擊三級公開賽 2017 TPSA Level III Action Air Competition
巴拿馬正義之師行動 Operation Just Cause Reenactment