本書是特別設計給那些有學習1、2年的貝斯,卻又不得爵士其門而入的人,不論是個人學習,也適合老師授課所用。利用爵士名曲一步一步指導您什麼是"搖擺"(Swing) 什麼是"即興"(Improvistion)。
利用淺顯易懂的解說,將爵士的基礎理論用2-measure phrases.和Scales來作介紹,搭配所附音頻網址所提供的音檔,包含所有練習曲目、七段樂團演奏、爵士歷史級人物介紹。可以提升您的技巧,以達到進善臻美的境界。
Designed to teach jazz basics to students with 1-2 years playing experience (but no prior experience playing jazz), Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble is great for individual or classroom
• Teaches the basics of swing style in a step-by-step approach, using well-known songs
• Improvisation made easy, starting with simple two-measure phrases
• Scales and basic theory introduced in an easy-to-understand format
• Play-along tracks for every exercise included
• Seven full band arrangements
• Sample solos
• Jazz history and people
Ballin' The Jack
Boppin' Around
Jingle Bells
London Bridge
Riffin' Around
St. Louis Blues
Salsa Caliente
A-Tisket A-Tasket
When The Saints Go Marching In