READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 3月號/2020 第03期

READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 3月號/2020  第03期
NT $ 158




“請給我一盒 amoxicillin。”我問店員。我得到的消息是,在英格蘭西部農村的一個小鎮上,一家為波蘭社區提供服務的雜貨店裡,你不用處方就可以買到抗生素。果然,毫無疑問,她把手伸進收銀台旁邊的一個櫃子,從各種藥品中取出了一包青黴素。我付了15.29英鎊,謝了她,帶著24片離開了。她和我都不知道這些藥是否合適,一天吃幾次,吃多長時間。在世界上大多數國家,包括英國和波蘭,在沒有醫生處方的情況下發放抗生素是違法的。但我買的東西不僅是違法的,它…


The increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is a global threat. We all have a share in the fight to overcome it

“A box of amoxicillin, please,” I asked the shop assistant. I’d had a tip-off you could buy antibiotics without a prescription in this grocery store serving the Polish community in a town in the rural west of England. Sure enough, no questions asked, she reached into a cabinet next to the checkout and pulled out a packet of penicillin from a variety of drugs. I paid £15.29, thanked her and left with 24 tablets. Neither she nor I had any idea whether they were the appropriate treatment, how many times a day I should take them or for how long. It is illegal in most of the world, including the UK and Poland, to dispense antibiotics without a prescription from a medical professional. But my purchase wasn’t just against the law, it…


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