We all one way or the other have experienced or encounter someone with a bad breath issue… Yes, and in fact, bad breath otherwise known as Halitosis is the commonest condition faced by most
people whether young or old. But specifically, Halitosis is a term that is usually used to describe a situation where the mouth or buccal cavity emits unpleasant odor. Therefore, in this book,
I will be using the term halitosis and bad breath interchangeably as both mean the same thing. Besides that, other terms like breath odor or oral malodor can also be used to describe the same
situation where strikingly nasty odors are exhaled during breathing process. Well, in its simplicity, Halitosis is known to be caused by the occurrence of enormous cluster of bacteria that are
present in the mouth; without doubt, this ultimately needs to be treated continuously if the affected individual is hoping to be rid of the bad breath. Now, even though, the details for bad
breath are not wholly understood, but it has been made obvious that retaining food particle in between the teeth have been identified to be one of the most common causes. More so, research has
shown that about 400 different species or varieties of bacteria are present in a regular mouth or oral cavity. Yes, these bacteria are responsible for the transformation of those food particles
into what we get as bad breath or mouth odor. Now, to be upfront with you, it is important for us to know that the problem starts when an individual’s oral hygiene is so poor that it allows
many of these bacteria to begin to reproduce in their thousands which will eventually give rise to bad breath or halitosis. And I must say here that, several varieties of such bacteria are
typically found behind the individual’s tongue which protects them from regular mouth activities as the brush hardly reach the nether parts of the tongue. What this means is that these bacteria
will then have a filled day multiplying without any inhibitions. Well, at this moment I want you to take the step while you are here to get the book and avail yourself the opportunity of all
the tips keep bad breath at bay.