Bear! Is a fascinating volume which will grip the interest and fire the imagination of both the seasoned outdoorsman and the one who must enjoy the thrills of big-game hunting from
his arm-chair reading.
The true, breath-taking field encounters between man and bear, which liberally appear throughout the books’ pages, will capture and excite the reader, young or old. Certainly to the
big-game hunter—whether he takes to the wooded hills after his black bear, to the remote crags and high basins after his grizzly, to the Coastal regions after his brown bear, or to the
Eskimo-land after his great white polar bear—this volume with its wealth of how-to information will prove invaluable reading.
But beyond this, Bear! is a revealing story of North America’s Bears. It delves deeply into their habitat, their wondrous
cycle of living, and their natural place in the scheme of wildlife. This book traces those basic behavior changes which have been forced upon our country’s great ursines through man’s westward
movement, his contact with them, and his gradual driving of them to the last wilderness and sanctuaries for survival.