There are handy tips on how to protect your computer/s and what signs to look out for that your information might be under attack. This is the must have book for individuals and businesses. The
Cyber threat landscape is continuously evolving and the motivations behind cyber attacks are changing day by day. Youths are increasingly getting themselves involved in cyber-crimes. All sorts
of businesses are under threats from cyber attacks and are unprepared from protecting themselves against such crimes that lead to great stress and financial loses. The process of hacking (that
used to be regarded as a coding crime) has drastically changed over the years. In addition to utilizing malware, hackers are increasingly adopting social engineering as a means of exploiting
vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is imperative to learn more about the factors, modes, consequences, and lessons reading cyber attacks. The following 51 brief paragraphs will provide a useful
overview regarding the major issues about cyber attacks.Point titles are as follows:Characteristics of cyber attacks and the history of The relationship between cyber security and the
responsible cyber citizensReason for utilizing internet as a mode of launching attacksEasy availability of hacking tools encouraging cyber-crimesInfinite scope for initiating cyber attacks:
Nothing is safe The most hacker-active countries in the world The most well known hacking groups of all time Important things to know about cyber vulnerabilityCommon forms of cyber-crimes with
brief descriptionsCategorizing cyber-attackers from multiple perspectivesVarieties of cyber attacks and ways to initiate these Cyber crime scenarios to avoid so as to remain safe Early symptoms
of imminent cyber attacks Sure signs a system has been compromised Relatively easy ways utilized by hackers to get access to your data Relatively less cumbersome ways to prevent most attacks
Ways to reduce risk to websites Inadequate protection offered by traditional antivirus programsWays to remain vigilant and avoid cyber attacks Malware: Cyber-criminal’s ultimate choice
Encryption: Proven way to remain secured Ransomware: A brief history and timelineRansomware classification considering severity and complexity How to protect yourself from ransomware attacks
Recommended undertakings amidst ransomware attacks How and why companies pay the ransom Rationale behind ransomware attacks on public institutions Ransomware: A weapon of mass economic
destruction Exponential rise in cyber attacks targeting small business enterprisesProactive defense: Understanding the threat landscape Tools employed by hacktivists and means of defending
against these Common techniques used by cyber criminals and ways to avoid these How to deal with insider threat to limit cyber-crime How to limit sate and corporate sponsored attacks Use of
social engineering as a mode of initiating cyber attacks Types of threats where human behavior is a causeWays of neutralizing the human factor in cyber attacks Components of contemporary
hacking operations Best operating system for cyber criminals Methods of tracing the hackers behind cyber attacks Security measures before cyber attacks: Prevention Security measures during
cyber attacks: Incident management Security measure after cyber attacks: Consequence management Online freedom versus fear when cyber security is in question Likelihood of a widespread smart
grid attack and potential catastrophe associated with this International efforts to contain cyber attacks Role of punishment in reducing cyber-crime Law enforcement proved insufficient in
tackling cyber-crimes Prerequisites of a top-notch threat intelligence Future of cyber-crime and cyber security National capacity building to combat cyber crime