Dentistry specialists from the US, Iran, and Switzerland provide 17 chapters on surgical endodontics, including both the technical skills of surgical procedures and the basic and clinical
sciences related to biologic and pathologic conditions. They address anatomy, histology, physiology and metabolism, pathologic entities simulating lesions of pulpal origin, diagnosis and
treatment planning, the use of cone beam computed tomography in treatment planning, illumination and magnification in apical surgery, local anesthesia and hemostasis, the management of soft
tissues, the removal of osseous tissue, root-end resection and preparation, root-end filling materials, suturing and postoperative instructions, the maxillary sinus, soft and hard tissue
healing, adjunctive surgical procedures, the pharmacology of surgical endodontics, and outcomes. A DVD contains 31 videos of surgical procedures described in the text. Annotation ©2017
Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (