This beautiful tangram kit includes the original fifteen-piece set along with a beautifully illustrated instruction guide.
The tangram has a very long history. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a puzzle game whose idea derived from the Banquet Table Diagrams (Yanji Tu) of the Song Dynasty and Butterfly Table
Diagrams (Dieji Tu) of the Ming Dynasty, capturing the wisdom of the ancients. From literati to businessmen, even the royal family, they all fell in love with this brain game, also known as
the "Fifteen-Piece Tangram Puzzle."
As the name suggests, the fifteen-piece tangram puzzle consists of fifteen pieces. They are different from the regular seven-piece tangram puzzle in terms of shapes and number of pieces. The
regular seven-piece tangram puzzle is made up of five triangles, one square, and one parallelogram. The fifteen-piece tangram puzzle is also dissected from a square but composed of more shapes:
four triangles, two trapezoids, one parallelogram, two L-shapes, two semi-circles, and four arch-shapes. A wider range of shapes and pieces allows more flexibility and creates more vivid
configurations such as animals, birds, flowers, fruits, figures, objects, or even landscapes. Every single puzzle in this tangram book is full of imagination, supplemented with poems and
phrases, which can both be a feast to the eye and delightful experience for your mind.
Did you have a difficult time to start in the beginning? Don’t worry! The first chapter in this book illustrates various geometries that can be formed by the fifteen pieces. After learning the
basics, you can then go into the advanced chapters to get the key to all the puzzles.