The "Fire and The Focus" has an uplifting spiritual and inspirational theme. It is in reality far more than a book. It is an impressive 8.5"x11" volume of 340 pages which could be likened to a
’book series’ in seven parts. It has totally unusual format variations in full color using hundreds of the author’s photos - many in creative full page photo/text collages. It is an adventure
spiritually, geographically and artistically. It begins by concentrating on following many of the actual manifestations of fire throughout the Bible as illustrations of how the Spirit of God
leads and instructs us. Secondly it focuses on the simple power of the Gospel of salvation as opposed to the countless "gospels" available out there around the world. The whole area of
missions, from personal to global, is dealt with deeply, personally and compassionately. Beginning at home with a refreshingly frank look at our own Finnish Lutheran heritage and traditions.
With experiences from five continents it zeroes in on 12 countries where the author has served most recently. Each is presented in one or more full page color collage. The lessons learned
provide profound material for all interested in mission work and organization. Three decades of worldwide service are dealt with at length, openly and constructively. "You Can’t Love Too much!
" This deeply personal theme in the author’s life, is also approached with moving frankness and honesty in the "Channel It" section. The subtitle " A Call to the Resting Place" brings us to the
culmination of this work, which is to rivet our attention on the message that Jesus brought to earth for all of us, to make it a reality in our everyday lives when He said: "Come unto Me all
you who labour and are heavy laden and I WILL GIVE YOU REST!" "The Resting Place Mission" section reviews It’s most practical application from the personal to the global. This entire book
emphasizes discipleship where "the rubber meets the road." Crossing all borders! The encouragement to REST as a personal, spiritual, geographical and time-oriented necessity is life-sustaining!
It is anchored deeply and graphically in the last section featuring 32 photo/text collages from Israel, "In the Footsteps of Jesus".