With almost every family struggling to get their babies to sleep through the night, there is a clear need for a book that specifically focuses on achieving just that. The Gift of Sleep
is purely about getting your baby to sleep all night, every night. The background: Four years ago journalist Mia Freedman hired Elizabeth Sloane to come to her house and teach her baby to
sleep. Three days later Mia had a baby that was sleeping through the night. She was so impressed by Elizabeth's plan that she asked whether she could turn it into an ebook. To date, more than
18,000 people have bought the ebook, and Elizabeth has helped countless parents establish healthy, lasting sleep patterns for their babies. With a gentle, loving and soothing nature,
Elizabeth’s methods are credited with breaking cycles of sleeplessness, emotional exhaustion and frustration for babies and their parents—a truly life-changing experience. Her program offers
a calm, committed and consistent approach to all families in need of the Gift of Sleep.