The Global Work of Art: World’s Fairs, Biennials, and the Aesthetics of Experience
$2,925 -
Entangled: Threads and Making
$1,223 -
Bless Your Heart: Favorite Southern Sayings
$525 -
Railway Stations
$873 -
The French Art Novel, 1900 - 1930
$5,400 -
Fred Sandback: Vertical Constructions
$1,925 -
The Chasuble of Thomas Becket: A Biography
$5,400 -
Thai Art: Currencies of the Contemporary
$1,153 -
Liu Dan: New Landscapes and Old Masters
$1,050 -
Franz West: Galerie Eva Presenhuber, 95–15
$1,925 -
Food & the Public Sphere
$1,223 -
Aleksandra Waliszewska: 2000 Words
$770 -
Crags and Ravines Make a Marvellous View: A Study of Wu Bin’s Unique 17th Century Scroll Painting "Ten Views of a Lingbi Rock"
$3,375 -
Writing Postindustrial Places: Technoculture Amid the Cornfields
$6,750 -
The Art Lovers Quotation Book
$438 -
100 Boots: A Book of Postcards
$453 -
Creating the Countryside: The Rural Idyll Past and Present
$1,400 -
Actors, Networks, Theories / D’un Discours Qui Ne Serait Pas Du Semblant
$1,223 -
Culture and Commerce: Cultural Policy and Economic Value in the Creative Industries
$1,798 -
Curatorial Roundtable