Renegade Red, the highly-anticipated sequel to the award-winning, best-selling YA Fantasy debut Shattered Blue, takes off after the explosive ending of The Light Trilogy’s
thrilling first installment. Rocked by mind-blowing revelations, Noa Sullivan, and the two fae brothers who love her, leap through a Portal into the unknown to rescue Sasha, Noa’s magical
little sister. But the journey is more deadly and dangerous than any could have predicted.
Action-packed and thrilling, the fever-pitch of Renegade Red never lets up: the trio face crisis after crisis in shocking twists and turns. The Fae world Aurora has changed terribly
since the brothers’ exile and become a dystopian tyranny that threatens to ensnare and change them all. In a world so dangerous and unpredictable, can Noa find Sasha and survive, even if that
means making a heart-breaking choice of who she loves most?