Elyn Zimmerman: Sculpture
$2,975 -
Mark Grotjahn: Painted Sculpture
$1,925 -
Contemporary Art in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
$1,048 -
Federico Uribe: Watch the Parade 2017
$1,750 -
Seals and Talismans
$8,100 -
Kevin Schmidt
$1,398 -
Norman Rockwell’s Faith of America
$875 -
Arts and the Uprising in Egypt: The Making of a Culture of Dissent?
$1,348 -
Suspended License: Censorship and the Visual Arts
$4,050 -
Christoph M. Loos
$2,380 -
Life Is Work: Kaneto Shindo and the Art of Directing, Screenwriting, and Living 100 Years Without Regrets
$803 -
Ed Pien: Luminous Shadows
$1,048 -
Rhetorical Aesthetics: Twentieth-century Chinese Arts in the Context of Culture
$4,005 -
The Book of Wonder
$1,398 -
Rauschenberg: The Complete Posters
$1,223 -
Tapestry Production, Restoration and Conservation: 125 Years of De Wit-royal Manufacturers of Tapestry
$5,625 -
John Singer Sargent Complete Catalogue of Paintings Cumulative Index
$1,800 -
The Legacies of Bernard Smith: Essays on Australian Art, History and Cultural Politics
$1,575 -
Sylvia Sleigh
$2,800 -
Pedro Reyes: Ad Usum / to Be Used