As a college education becomes more of a necessity and the key to a more sustainable career, students need to know how to make this a reality for them. Students, Go to College for FREE is that
guide and that road-map, providing students with the steps they must take, the ins and outs of the admissions process, what colleges are looking for and so much more. If you are looking to go
to college, and want to go to college for FREE, this book is for you! It provides proven strategies that are implemented every day by students that has landed them not only acceptance into
top-tier institutions, but full financial aid offers.Getting into college and getting into college fully funded is all about how you prepare, position and promote yourself. We simplify this
process for you and walk you through the steps you must take, things you must do and look for.The book is filled with valuable information, resources and helpful worksheets for you to complete
and use to implement your college admissions plan.