Enpowering geeks, making millionaires and shaking the net! This is the incredible true story behind the global gaming and business and geek phenomenon.
For some, a game of cards is just a way to pass the time. But for an awkward generation on the cusp of the internet age, it became a way of life.
Generation Decks tells the story of the millions of fans worldwide who fell hopelessly in love with the mould-breaking fantasy card game, Magic: The Gathering. The brainchild of
misfit maths genius Richard Garfield, Magic combined fiendishly complex game play with addictive collectability. When it came out in 1993, it transformed the lives of quiet braniacs who
had longed for a way to connect and to compete. It made millionaires of its creators, who shook up corporate America. And it kick-started the era of professional gaming.
Author Titus Chalk tells the game’s complete story – from its humble origins in a Seattle basement to its continued success in today’s digital age. Prepare to meet Generation Decks, a
community like no other. And to discover Magic: The Gathering, the millennial phenomenon that made it OK to be a gamer.
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