A chasm exists in the worldwide workplace: CEO’s and senior leaders expect better performance from most of their people. Simultaneously, those same employees know they have more to contribute,
but are likely unaware of their leaders’ true expectations regarding attitudes and results. "The A Player" is a breakthrough book that addresses how to forge a bridge between this critical gap
to produce prosperity for both the company and the employee. When your company wins, as an employee you win.
Rick Crossland, "The A Player" talent expert gives you a private executive coaching lesson on how to be that prized top performer companies covet. A Players are always in high demand. They
are not just more productive; they are also happier and work with more purpose, passion, fun and fulfillment in their lives. Nothing great was ever achieved with average performance and "The
A Player" shows how to achieve outstanding A Player performance on both an individual and company-wide level.