All-American TV Crime Drama: Feminism and Identity Politics in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

All-American TV Crime Drama: Feminism and Identity Politics in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
NT $ 4,275


Why has Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU) achieved popularity beyond any other American police procedural television series? How does its unique focus on sex crimes reflect currents in popular culture and feminist critique, and recast traditional crime narratives? This book is the first ever dedicated study of SVU and its treatment of sexual violence, gender and criminality. Through detailed textual and visual analyses of episodes, All-American TV Crime Drama reveals how elements of misogynist feminism and cultural revanchism manifest themselves in SVU, and shows how its use of forensic science offers new fables of objectivity. With chapters devoted to justice, racial and gender dynamics, and the show’s spectatorship, this study is essential reading for students of media, criminality and the phenomenon of sexual violence.
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