Freestyle Cooking for Life holds the key to making a healthy, home-cooked diet sustainable: Make it fun.
In her first book, YumUniverse, healthy living enthusiast Heather Crosby shared 150 plant-packed, gluten-free recipes for people interested in eating better without sacrificing taste.
Now, in Freestyle Cooking for Life, she reveals 30 mix-and-match recipe templates that will help home cooks create thousands of delicious meals on the fly. For example: Pick any
grain, one or more greens and veggies, and a complementary aromatic; sauté them together in your choice of sauces; and voila—a hearty, nutritious “scramble.”
More comfortable with a traditional recipe? Not to worry: Heather also shares 100 tried-and-true recipes developed from her ingenious templates. Take granola—for which “Dark Chocolate, Cherry
& Brazil Nut,” “Coconut-Mango-Macadamia,” and “Earl Grey & Strawberry” are just three options of many!
Who wouldn’t love the ability (and freedom) to whip up a huge variety of dishes from whatever is on hand? That’s just the kind of kitchen confidence Heather Crosby wants to
inspire—especially in the newly minted plant-inspired and/or gluten-free cooks who need it most. As she puts it: “This book will help people to break free from the constraints of the
traditional recipe format for one that encourages playfulness, improvisation, and creativity . . . It helps us turn a task at hand into a habit, and it inspires new behavior that can last.”