Amazing Edible Seeds: Health-Boosting and Delicious Recipes Using Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

Amazing Edible Seeds: Health-Boosting and Delicious Recipes Using Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse
NT $ 1,050


Trained nutritionist Vicki Edgson and experienced food writer Heather Thomas set out the origins, nutritional make-up and potential health benefits of 20 seed varieties before exploring their diverse and delicious culinary uses. Over 50 step-by-step recipes illustrate the infinite versatility of these potent ingredients, showing how seeds can be enjoyed raw as a quick, healthy snack; sprinkled over salads or your breakfast bowl; used as a topping for soups, in stews, risottos, pancakes and spicy dishes; baked in cakes, bread and muffins; added to desserts – or blitzed with fruit or vegetables in a simple smoothie.
The recipes in this book are bursting with flavour and colour, and international in their origins and appeal. There are traditional dishes and old favourites as well as innovative ideas that reflect current food trends. Suggested alternative combinations will inspire you to experiment further – and cater for plant-protein purists as well as those with wider-ranging appetites.
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