"One of the nation’s leading venture capitalists offers surprising revelations on who is going to be leading innovation in the years to come Scott Hartley first heard the terms fuzzy and techie
while studying political science at Stanford University. If you majored in the humanities or social sciences, you were a fuzzy. If you majored in the computer sciences, you were a techie. This
informal division has quietly found its way into a default assumption that has mistakenly led the business world for decades: that techies are the real drivers of innovation. But in this
brilliantly contrarian book, Hartley reveals the counterintuitive reality of business today: it’s actually the fuzzies-not the techies-who are playing the key roles in developing the most
creative and successful new business ideas. They are often the ones who understand the life issues that need solving and offer the best approaches for doing so. They also bring the management
and communication skills that are so vital to spurring growth. Hartley looks inside some of today’s most dynamic new companies, reveals breakthrough fuzzy-techie collaborations, and explores
how such collaborations work to create real innovation"--