Ruby Redfort Pick Your Poison
$595 -
The Odds of Getting Even
$315 -
The Triple Hoax
$210 -
Fuzzy Mud
$280 -
Vampires on the Run
$595 -
Agatha Parrot and the Odd Street School Ghost
$245 -
Doom at Grant’s Tomb
$245 -
The Flying Saucer Mystery
$210 -
Basil and the Cave of Cats
$350 -
City of Angels
$665 -
The Cat Stole My Pants
$525 -
Baseball Genius
$595 -
A Murder for Macaroni and Cheese
$595 -
The Mystery of Mr. E
$210 -
The Unusual Suspects
$313 -
The Capital Catch
$585 -
Dark Shadows: Yes, Another Misadventure
$455 -
The Goldfish Boy
$595 -
The Screaming Statue
$245 -
A Case in Any Case