
As an increasingly urbanised world is seeking to deal with recent social, natural and technological changes, Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities explores how concepts and practices of care can cultivate more responsive forms of design that attend to the fragile relations that constitute cites.

Combining different areas of enquiry from human geography, sociology and performance to gerontology, architecture and disability studies, the book takes the reader through recent debates on care across the human and social sciences, further enriching these through theoretical elaborations and international case studies on design projects in urban settings. These include the construction of hospitals and homes, the planning of public parks and the design of mobility equipment, as well as urban curating and post-disaster recovery.

Exploring how the skills and sensibilities of caring can be expressed through design practice to enhance well-being among those who inhabit, and depend upon, cities, the book throws light on a timely set of questions that contemporary research has rarely discussed in detail.

Charlotte Bates is a Researcher at the Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research explores the interconnections between the body, everyday life and place, with a particular focus on illness and disability.

Rob Imrie is Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. He has international expertise in urban governance, architecture and community development in cities: the impact and implications of urban policy; the geographies of disability and the built environment; and the body, embodiment and urban design.

Kim Kullman is a Researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London. His work falls broadly within social and cultural geography and explores the crafting of inclusive civic spaces, embodied practices of urban mobility and methodological crossovers between design and social science.
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