An essential lifestyle guide to reducing headaches and other symptoms related to migraines, vertigo, and Meniere’s disease. Its ?slow-approach” plan and more than 75 trigger-free recipes
set readers up for success?even when they’re in pain.
One in four American households includes a migraine sufferer, and migraine attacks cost employers 113 million lost workdays every year. Most current migraine treatment focuses on prescription
medication and trigger-point injections, which are often expensive and carry the risk of side effects. In The Migraine Relief Plan, certified health and wellness coach Stephanie Weaver
outlines a new, step-by-step lifestyle approach to reducing migraine frequency and severity.
Using the latest research, her own migraine diagnosis, and extensive testing, Weaver has designed an accessible plan to help those living with migraines, headaches, or Meniere’s disease. Over
the course of eight weeks, the plan gradually transitions readers into a healthier lifestyle, including key behaviors such as regular sleep, trigger-free eating, gentle exercise, and
relaxation techniques. The book also collects specific resources?shopping lists, weekly meal plans, symptom tracking charts, and kitchen-tested recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and
dinner?to provide readers with the tools they need to be successful.
In addition to eliminating suspected migraine triggers, this unique diet is low-sodium, which helps with balance and dizziness, as well as sugar- and gluten-free, which helps reduce
inflammation?all symptoms associated with migraines and related conditions. The Migraine Relief Plan encourages readers to eat within the guidelines while still helping them follow
personal dietary choices, like vegan or paleo, and navigate challenges, such as parties, work, and travel. A must-have resource for anyone who lives with head pain, this book will inspire you
to rethink your attitude toward health and wellness.