In the second book to the “exciting, inventive, and brilliantly plotted” (Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author) Borderline, Millie unwillingly returns to the Arcadia
Project when an impossible and deadly situation pulls her back in.
Four months ago, Millie left the Arcadia Project after losing her partner Teo to the lethal magic of an Unseelie fey countess. Now, in a final visit to the scene of the crime, Millie and her
former boss Caryl encounter Teo’s tormented ghost. But there’s one problem: according to Caryl, ghosts don’t exist.
Millie has a new life, a stressful job, and no time to get pulled back into the Project, but she agrees to tell her side of the ghost story to the agents from the Project’s National
Headquarters. During her visit though, tragedy strikes when one of the agents is gruesomely murdered in a way only Caryl could have achieved. Millie knows Caryl is innocent, but the only way to
save her from the Project’s severe, off-the-books justice is to find the mysterious culprits that can only be seen when they want to be seen. Millie must solve the mystery not only to save
Caryl, but also to foil an insidious, arcane terrorist plot that would leave two worlds in ruins.
American Gods
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The Iliad / The Odyssey
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Immortal Circus: Act Two
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Summon the Queen
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The Mercy of the Tide
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Burmese Monk’s Tales
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Bearly in Control
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Ghosts on the Ohio: Tales of the Supernatural
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The Queen of Storm and Shadow
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Game of Shadows
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Secret of the Nagas
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Erik & the Gods: Journey to Valhalla
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Only the Stones Survive
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Daughter of a Thousand Years
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Norse Mythology
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Ragnarok: The End of the Gods
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Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man
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In Calabria