Introducing Electronic Literature
$1,573 -
Hearing Voices: Aurality and New Spanish Sound Culture in Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz
$2,700 -
Trollope Underground
$6,750 -
Early Modern Travel and the Discourses of English Nationalism
$6,748 -
The Language of Surrealism
$4,680 -
Body Language: Narrating Illness and Disability
$6,975 -
Six Metaphysical Poets: A Concise Critical Introduction and Innovative Interdisciplinary Reading of Selected Mystographical Poem
$943 -
The Social Work of Narrative: Human Rights and the Cultural Imaginary
$2,250 -
Holocaust Literature: An Introduction
$1,168 -
The Canon
$4,950 -
The Timelessness of Proust
$595 -
Acts of Modernity: The Historical Novel and Effective Communication, 1814-1901
$6,748 -
Starring Charles Dickens: Multi-media ’boz’ and the Culture of Celebrity
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Male Adolescence in Mid-victorian Fiction: George Meredith, W. M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope
$6,748 -
Adventures in Feminist Dramaturgy: The Road Less Traveled
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Ian Mcewan
$898 -
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism
$10,350 -
Mixing Memory and Desire: The Great War in Contemporary Commonwealth Fiction
$873 -
William T. Vollmann: Writing America’s Other Histories
$4,725 -
Unperfect Histories: The Mirror for Magistrates 1559-1610