Medieval English Literature: Genres, Modes, Contexts
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The Interlinear Glosses to the ’regula Sancti Benedicti’ in London, British Library, Cotton Tiberius A. Iii,,ff.118r-163v With the Anglo-saxon
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Medievalia Et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture
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The Psalms and Medieval English Literature: From the Conversion to the Reformation
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The Wisdom of the Outlaw: Boyhood Deeds of Finn in Gaelic Narrative Tradition
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Kings and Warriors in Early North-West Europe
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Chaucer’s Knight: The Portrait of a Medieval Mercenary
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A Classical Primer: Ancient Knowledge for Modern Minds
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The Manuscript and Meaning of Malory’s Morte Darthur: Rubrication, Commemoration, Memorialization
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Guy of Saint-Denis: Tractatus De Tonis
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Alchemy, Medicine, and Commercial Book Production: A Codicological and Linguistic Study of the Voigts-sloane Group of Middle Eng
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Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities
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Arthurian Literature XXXIII
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Guittone d’Arezzo Selected Poems and Prose
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Medieval Liminal Rhetoric: The Self-authorizing Frame
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Readings in Medieval Textuality: Essays in Honour of A.C. Spearing
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Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France: Translation, Appropriation, Transformation
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Tristan and Isolde: Medieval Illustrations of the Verse Romances
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La Rigueur Et La Passion: Mélanges En L’honneur De Pascale Bourgain
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The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature: The Development and Dissemination of the Arthurian Legend in Medieval Latin