Dance’s Duet With the Camera: Motion Pictures
$4,500 -
Dance Pedagogy for a Diverse World: Culturally Relevant Teaching in Theory, Research and Practice
$1,798 -
The Aging Body in Dance: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
$2,023 -
Dance: American Art, 1830-1960
$1,925 -
Living in an Art World
$3,600 -
The Art of Grace: On Moving Well Through Life
$441 -
La Pensée Du Regard: Études D’histoire De L’art Du Moyen Âge Offertes À Christian Heck
$10,800 -
The Theatre of Romeo Castellucci and Societas Raffaello Sanzio: From Icon to Iconoclasm, from Word to Image, from Symbol to Alle
$4,050 -
Dance by Letter: Or, a Dance Abecedary
$900 -
Moving (Across) Borders: Performing Translation, Intervention, Participation
$1,800 -
Interdisciplinary Performance: Reformatting Reality
$1,665 -
Virginians Will Dance or Die!: The Importance of Music in Pre-Revolutionary Williamsburg
$1,575 -
Dancing Boys: High School Males in Dance
$2,925 -
Chinese Dance: In the Vast Land and Beyond
$943 -
Dancers After Dark
$698 -
Global Tangos: Travels in the Transnational Imaginary
$2,025 -
Movement for Actors
$805 -
Consort Suites and Dance Music by Town Musicians in German-Speaking Europe, 1648-1700
$6,748 -
Dance and Gender: An Evidence-Based Approach
$3,823 -
Dancing Boys: High School Males in Dance