Apostle of the Twentieth Century - M.K. Gandhi

Apostle of the Twentieth Century - M.K. Gandhi
NT $ 873


About the series: AGELESS INDIA, with enchanting, ethereal images of a land that is often mysterious, its layered histories enticing the senses, creating room for wonder, all merging seamlessly with the vitality and assertive energy of the present. Rarely do past centuries jostle and fight for space with the contemporary, as in India. Write your private stories in these books as you traverse the past and the present of an unusual civilisation, to later share the experiences with those you love. About this volume: These rare and iconic images of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Mahatma who invoked non-violence as the potent weapon of protest in the quest for freedom and liberation of mind and spirit, are selected from the valuable and treasured archives that have been carefully preserved at his ashram at Sabarmati in Gujarat. This compendium of visuals traces the trajectory of a life inspired by a single cause, motivated by unwavering passion. He was a true Mahatma, grounded in the earth of India, fearless and free from human bondage.
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