Sun Is Also a Star

Sun Is Also a Star
NT $ 318
  • 作者:Nicola Yoon
  • 出版社:Random House
  • 出版日期:2016-11-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1524716308
  • ISBN13:9781524716301
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 13.97 x 20.96 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  [ 2017 博客來外文年度選書 ]


  那天,Natasha的父親因為酒駕而被發現是非法移民,Natasha全家在24小時後,就要被遣散回牙買加。同一天,Daniel正遵從父母的期望,要去參加耶魯大學入學面試,一輛通往當醫生的直達車。因緣際會之下,男孩和女孩相遇並相戀了。他們會相知相遇的契機點為何?A. 唱片行 B. 愛神邱比特的箭 C. 宇宙 D. 饒了我吧!

  “2016美國國家書卷獎National Book Award年度最佳青少年兒童讀物決選”

  驚艷文壇《Everything Everything》作者力作,兩個毫無交集的人生,如何因為一個無關緊要的微小決定而改變生命中所有的一切?
  《The Sun is also a Star》從兩個敘事者的角度,講述在一天之內發生的故事。對主角娜塔莎與丹尼爾來說,這正是改變生命的一天。每一個微小、無關緊要的決定,在不知不覺中,為生命開啟了一條嶄新之路。(文/博客來編譯)

  This book is inspired by Big History (to learn about one thing, you have to learn about everything). In The Sun is Also a Star, to understand the characters and their love story, we must know everything around them and everything that came before them that has affected who they are and what they experience.

  Two teens--Daniel, the son of Korean shopkeepers, and Natasha, whose family is here illegally from Jamaica--cross paths in New York City on an eventful day in their lives--Daniel is on his way to an interview with a Yale alum, Natasha is meeting with a lawyer to try and prevent her family's deportation to Jamaica--and fall in love.



  NICOLA YOON is the author of the instant New York Times #1 bestseller, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING. She grew up in Jamaica and Brooklyn. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband and their daughter, both of whom she loves beyond all reason. Visit and follow @NicolaYoon on Twitter.
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