This book uniquely offers a guide to environmental impacts and issues as they relate to airlines. Airline operators are under increasing pressure to manage and mitigate their environmental
impacts - particularly their contribution to human-induced climate change - yet there are often contradictory and conflicting messages and controversies about how this might be achieved.
Environmental Management for Airlines offers a clear, concise and accurate account of how airline operations affect the environment, what options there are to reduce those effects, and what the
implications of those options and responses may be, while recognising the intense pressure that exists to reduce operating costs in an unprecedented climate of competitiveness and commercial
challenges. The book considers the rapid pace of developments in the air transport industry, in government policy and in environmental science. It focuses in particular on the evolving concepts
of carbon management and sustainability management, and on the ways in which these concepts apply to airline operations. The book covers topics such as the inclusion of aviation within the EU
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), innovations in the area of carbon management, controversial practices such as carbon offsetting, the various technological and operational systems and
procedures intended to improve the environmental performance of air transport (such as biofuels, wheel-tugs, etc), and the issue of fleet upgrading and renewal. Its objective is to be
accessible and directly useful for those with responsibility for improving the environmental performance of airlines (including managers, policy officers and analysts) and those responsible for
the development and management of the industry (including regulators, operators and researchers).