推理天王James Patterson曾經打敗 J.K.羅琳與史蒂芬金,最高以年收入8400萬美金榮登全球最賺作家寶座,這個全新出版計畫Bookshots系列,精選出他最受歡迎與最多好評的小說,重新改寫成一氣呵成的濃縮版本,但情節的曲折、刺激、精彩度一點也不縮減,系列中每本書的平均長度僅約150頁,更適合節奏飛快的網路時代閱讀,一口乾杯的長度,剛剛好!
The grand opening of the world's most exclusive hotel: forty floors of breathtaking luxury.
VIPs gather in London for the ultimate preview. But one uninvited guest plans to make this a day the city will never forget.
Global Head of Security, Jon Roscoe, confronts a killer with a deadly timetable.