推理天王James Patterson曾經打敗 J.K.羅琳與史蒂芬金,最高以年收入8400萬美金榮登全球最賺作家寶座,這個全新出版計畫Bookshots系列,精選出他最受歡迎與最多好評的小說,重新改寫成一氣呵成的濃縮版本,但情節的曲折、刺激、精彩度一點也不縮減,系列中每本書的平均長度僅約150頁,更適合節奏飛快的網路時代閱讀,一口乾杯的長度,剛剛好!
Three thieves have planned the perfect diamond heist. They’ve monitored the Hatton Garden jeweller for months and are ready to make the hit. But they were not expecting a rival crew to show
up at exactly the same time.
After a bloody fight, the three thieves come away with the diamonds and set off to meet their buyer in Amsterdam. But now it’s not only the police who are chasing them, and not only the
diamonds that are at stake.