Drago is proud to announce its new project: an anthology of Letizia Battaglia’s extraordinary photographic work, from 1971 to 2016.Letizia Battaglia (Palermo, 1935) is a Sicilian photographer
and photojournalist. Although her photos document a wide spectrum of Sicilian life, she is best known for her work on the Mafia.Over the years, Battaglia took some 600,000 images whilst
documenting the ferocious internal war of the Mafia, and its assault on civil society. Battaglia sometimes found herself at the scene of four or five different murders in a single day. She
photographed the dead so often that she described herself as a moving morgue. “Suddenly,” she once said, “I had an archive of blood.”A large selection of her iconic black and white images will
be presented in the catalogue, guiding the reader along a journey into one of post-war Italy’s darkest periods. Drawing from Battaglia’s personal archive the book also includes more recent
projects. It offers a unique approach to her genre-defining photography (often linked to that of American ‘crime’ photographer Weegee) and a chance to reflect on the role of photography as an
individual and collective means for taking action, bearing witness, providing evidence and documenting history.