THE PHANTOM the Complete Newspaper Dailies and Sundays by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy: Volume Ten 1950-1951; Hardcover with deluxe dustjacket and endpapers; 100 pound matte finish coated stock
paper; 272 pages; special color section with historical essay; tenth book in the series presenting the complete Phantom daily and Sunday strips (one “combined” story only — the last of these
storylines of the dailies and Sundays); 9” x 11.75” landscape format; six complete continuities; ISBN #978-1-61345-106-9; $60.00.
The critically acclaimed, best selling complete reprint of The Phantom continues!
Referred to by comic strip historian Maurice Horn as the “granddaddy of all costumed superheroes,” The Phantom was created in 1936 by Lee Falk with artwork by Ray Moore. The strip hit the funny
pages of newspapers well before the Dark Knight or Superman made their first appearances and has been acknowledged as an influence on every “masked man of mystery” since. The Phantom set the
standard for action, adventure, intrigue, and romance in adventure comic strips and comic books – it has frequently been copied but never equaled.
The daily version of The Phantom ran separately from the Sundays until the “Fathers and Sons” storyline. Starting with that story, which began on February 21, 1949 and ending with “The Ape Idol
of the Durugu” concluding on May 6, 1950 the continuities ran together. Volume Nine of this series offered the first three daily/Sunday continuities and Volume Ten offers the final chapter of
the combined continuities (dailies in black-and-white and Sundays in glorious color!) together with five more complete daily continuities — as the Sundays returned to their normal, separate
storylines. The adventures featured in Volume Ten are: “The Ape Idol of the Durugu,” “The Movie Stars,” “The White Monkey,” “The Gray Gang,” “The Whirlpool Channel,” and “The Tiger Girl.”
Included in the volume is a comprehensive essay and documentary materials.