In traditional business circles, wisdom is viewed with a certain scepticism, which is in part due to its historical associations with wisdom traditions and spiritual cultures. However, in
business today, wisdom is emerging not only as a viable but also a necessary organizational and management practice. In particular, practical wisdom is being updated and re-translated for
today’s issues and concerns in organisations. In recent years, leadership and organizational studies have initiated important changes in the way in which business-as-usual is conducted. In
response to the increasingly complex and uncertain conditions of our international business environment, a growing community of ’scholar-practitioners’ are pushing the boundaries of traditional
organizational and leadership thinking and acting, making inroads into processes and applications of practical wisdom and ways of wise leading and managing. Given the unprecedented levels of
challenges, dynamics and uncertainties that today’s organizations are exposed to, there is a need for a more integrative and sustainable approach to managing. Following the need for a
re-consideration and revival of the meaning of wisdom, the editors explore vitalizing possibilities for the learning of wise practices in organizing and leading. This expansive range of domains
where wisdom is currently being explored suggests a promising number of perspectives and possibilities for future inquiries and explorations into the nexus of wisdom and organisation,
leadership/management education and learning that benefits from cross-disciplinary synergies.