Skybars and Rooftop Restaurants: Enjoying the High Life
$2,975 -
Brooklyn’s Central Library
$770 -
Rma: Working in Mumbai
$2,100 -
Centre Pompidou: Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers, and the Making of a Modern Monument
$1,050 -
Architecture and Waste: A (Re)Planned Obsolescence
$1,573 -
Empire Style: The Hotel De Beauharnais in Paris
$4,725 -
Other Literature
$1,798 -
Nourishing the Senses: Restaurants by Bentel & Bentel
$2,100 -
Road Trip: Roadside America, from Custard’s Last Stand to the Wigwam Restaurant
$359 -
Tezuka Architects: The Yellow Book
$698 -
Unique Hotels
$2,625 -
Designing Spaces With Children: A Guide for Architects and Educators
$2,250 -
The Royal Albert Hall: Official Souvenir Guide
$453 -
What Is a Museum Now?: Snøhetta and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
$1,715 -
Architecture and the Modern Hospital
$7,200 -
U.S. Bank Stadium: The New Home of the Minnesota Vikings
$1,048 -
Design for Aviation
$875 -
Defined by Design: The Surprising Power of Hidden Gender, Age, and Body Bias in Everyday Products and Places
$630 -
Perform: Designing for the Performing Arts
$2,625 -
Best Highrises 2016/17: The International Highrise Award 2016 / Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2016